Company registration

Registering your company in DOME Marketplace.

Before your company can create a Product Offering in the DOME Marketplace, it has to be registered as a Participant in the DOME ecosystem. The process of registering the company in a trusted way is called onboarding.

The onboarding process must be performed by a natural person, normally an employee of the company acting on behalf of the company.

A common problem in decentralised ecosystems is how organisations can onboard the ecosystem in a trusted and automated way, avoiding manual paperwork. DOME implements an efficient and secure mechanism to onboard companies which are in the digital age, by leveraging the powers of standard eIDAS certificates.

For companies which can not digitally sign electronic transactions according to the eIDAS framework, DOME provides the manual processes (slower and more cumbersome) that enable those companies to onboard DOME.


A general description of the approach to onboarding in DOME.

LEARCredential (digital process)

Creating a LEARCredential for an employee, the automated and self-service way.

LEARCredential (manual process)

Creating a LEARCredential for an employee, the manual way.

Powers of Representation

The Mandate (Powers of Representation), authorising employees to act on behalf of the company.